SAP Leonardo is the latest offering from SAP which bundles together all digital transformation services: IoT, Blockchain, Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, offered as PaaS via HANA Cloud Platform. This blend of technologies has a potential to change the way entire business is conducted. Imagine IoT based supply chain…
Programmer who lost his punching card in cloud…
Programming languages evolved from the era, where programmer used punching cards to write their code.Imagine a small mistake while punching :).The time when the programmer has to think about the bits and bytes to have a sufficient memory to run his program. Have a look at below image, what it…
DataHub Vs SAP PI
Every ecommerce system needs data to process. If you are not using Hybris as you full system, you need to integrate it with main system like SAP ECC, SAP CRM, SAP Cloud for customer. Since SAP system owner never allow ecommerce system to call Odata or Webservice this much frequently,…