SAP C4C SDK Performance Optimization In order to develop smooth and fast processes with SAP Cloud Applications Studio you need to follow certain best practices. These practices help in code optimization and decrease execution time. Some of the best practices are listed below: a. Avoid Dump: If a code is…
5 Reasons You Should migrate to SAP S/4 HANA
S/4HANA, the latest SAP Business Suite based on the in-memory SAP HANA technology, is the next generation – intelligent ERP. With the support for the traditional ECC platform expected to end by December 2025 (source – and all the Core SAP products optimized or being optimized for the SAP HANA…
Every time a business sells goods or services, it is important to send invoices and receive payments for the same. The importance of invoice and payment management grows with the number of clients the business has. Most businesses, even though profitable, suffer from improper cash flow and invoice management because…
Hybris SOLR Search Improvement
As we all know SAP Hybris works with Apache SOLR to provide enhanced product search capabilities and there are some features that are supported by the SOLR but not supported by Hybris. So, this article will tell about SOLR NOT query in Hybris Multi-Line Exact Search with provided order SOLR…
New Feature Releases of SAP Hybris 6.5
SAP Hybris has been aggressive on the periodic version releases. The recent version of Hybris 6.5 release last week. Some of the new or updated features releases under 6.5; Angular pages as part of the B2C accelerator. Under my account section of B2C accelerator following pages are updated. Personal Details.…
SAP Leonardo – Mega Digitization Wave
SAP Leonardo is the latest offering from SAP which bundles together all digital transformation services: IoT, Blockchain, Artificial intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, offered as PaaS via HANA Cloud Platform. This blend of technologies has a potential to change the way entire business is conducted. Imagine IoT based supply chain…
Programmer who lost his punching card in cloud…
Programming languages evolved from the era, where programmer used punching cards to write their code.Imagine a small mistake while punching :).The time when the programmer has to think about the bits and bytes to have a sufficient memory to run his program. Have a look at below image, what it…
DataHub Vs SAP PI
Every ecommerce system needs data to process. If you are not using Hybris as you full system, you need to integrate it with main system like SAP ECC, SAP CRM, SAP Cloud for customer. Since SAP system owner never allow ecommerce system to call Odata or Webservice this much frequently,…
Best Practices while doing Enhancement in SAP Support and Implementation Phase
Enhancement is the functionality provided by SAP to do the customizing using different approaches. So basically we can say that using enhancement we would be adding our own functionality to the SAP standard business application without having to modify the original SAP applications. Enhancement is a very useful feature while…
Tips for creating Multilingual PDFs
Smart forms, script and adobe forms are the different options which help us to generate the PDF output from SAP system. Basically these are used to meet the general business requirements to print the billing invoices, sales order, purchase order and many other documents. Also, based on the country specific…