SAP C4C Offline Capability

SAP C4C Offline Capability

Customer Representatives (Users) provide services to the customers in various remote places like Resorts, Cruises, Aeroplanes etc. Mostly, Users do not get internet connectivity while operating from such remote places and hence they are unable to connect to C4C (online CRM) system, to carry out relevant daily business transactions in C4C system like checking Customer Transactions, checking Customer Details, Logging Complaints or Case etc.


Above problem can be overcome by appropriate use of SAP C4C Offline Capability.

  1. Maintenance of Offline Settings and related data download settings
  2. Use of KUT rules and Validations
  3. Personalized query creation
  4. Exception handling while data synchronization.

Advantages of Solution:

  1. Sync Based on Personalized Queries
  2. Enhanced User Experience for Sync, availability of Auto Sync facility.
  3. Data Download size can be controlled
  4. Visual Indicator Available for identifying modes (Online / Offline), Errors.
  5. Supported on Windows (Desktop), Android and iOS devices.