SAP Cloud Analytics is a one-stop-shop solution for all the business analytics needs. It’s a cloud-based application and can easily integrate with On-Premise SAP HANA, SAP BI/BW, SAP S/4 HANA sources via an industry grade secure connection. It can even connect outside of SAP like, Salesforce, CSV, SQL DB, Third…
SAP Cloud Platform Series – Part 1 – Introduction
Todays Business’ are facing unprecedented situation where old technologies are getting replaced with newer ones at a rapid pace. The driving force for this change is the cut-throat competition. New Business models, diversifying giants, Global presence new digital start-ups with innovation makes this competition even punishing, if you lag in…
SAP C4C Offline Capability
Customer Representatives (Users) provide services to the customers in various remote places like Resorts, Cruises, Aeroplanes etc. Mostly, Users do not get internet connectivity while operating from such remote places and hence they are unable to connect to C4C (online CRM) system, to carry out relevant daily business transactions in…
Simplify Custom Business Process
Custom Business Process helps in achieving business scenario other than offered by standard. While customizing any business process, below are some of the guidelines which should be followed in order to streamline solution. * Creation of custom business object as a separate work Centre While creating a separate Work Centre…
SAP S/4 HANA Migration Requirement: Guidelines
A holistic system analysis is the foundation for further planning steps toward a successful and smooth SAP S/4 HANA system migration. We plan it with below considerations and recommendations with the below objectives. -Provide a comprehensive migration solution with no programming required by the customer -Map data structures…

Spartacus, Angular Based storefront for SAP Commerce Cloud
1.Introduction Spartacus is an angular based framework for SAP commerce cloud. It is a framework for PWA apps developed by SAP for their Commerce platform. It is currently in pre-alpha stage of the de. Spartacus talks to SAP Commerce Cloud exclusively through the Commerce REST API.The strong point about this solution is…